Map #99: September 17, 2018
Difficulty Level: 5
Click here for a full-size version of this week’s map.
This map is a dot map of the United States. (Do you need a refresher on what a dot map is? Visit our “Basics” page for a quick primer.) This map was created and sent to us by David H., who should not be confused with David P. who created last week’s map. This site is extremely popular among people named David. This week’s David has produced a double dot map that displays two related sets of data. Because these data sets overlap in places, David has done a neat trick: he has made the dots semi-transparent. That way, when a blue dot and a red dot overlap, you see them as purple. In order to get credit for your submission this week, you need to explain the distribution of both the blue dots and the red dots. As always, your job is to figure out what this dot map represents.
Stumped? Check back Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for hints about where to focus your investigation. The answer will be posted on Monday, September 24, 2018. Good luck!
Tuesday’s hint: There are six more blue dots than red dots on this map.
Wednesday’s hint: The total number of blue dots on this map is 44, unless you wish to imagine that the blue dot in New Jersey is actually two dots right on top of one another. Your choice.
Thursday’s hint: The most recent red dot to be added to this map was the one in Michigan, which was placed there in 2006. We don’t know when the next red dot will be added, but we have some good ideas about where. One future red dot will overlap the blue dot in Plains, Georgia, to form a purple dot. Another future red dot will appear in College Station, Texas.
Friday’s hint: That blue dot in Honolulu, Hawaii, dates to 1961, though it wasn’t important enough to put on this map until January 2009. A corresponding red dot will someday be added, and, while we aren’t quite certain where it will go, the smart money is on Chicago, Illinois.
Answer: Click here to see an explanation of the answer to this week’s map question.
Next map: Click here to try out our newest map question.